Mastering Your Mind: A Guide to Reprogramming Your Subconscious
Mastering Your Mind: A Guide to Reprogramming Your Subconscious Would you intentionally allow malware or a virus into your computer? Of course not! It could disrupt your operating system and hinder your computer's performance. Interestingly, the subconscious mind is akin to the operating system for the human body. It [...]
Build to scale—Scale to Grow
The window of opportunity is fleeting and unforgiving. Over the years, I've navigated the complexities of the business world, holding roles [...]
The window of Opportunity is not kind
The window of opportunity is a fickle thing. It doesn't care about your desires or perceived entitlements. It scoffs at pretense, [...]
how interconnected we truly are
Today, I learned that I am stronger than I thought, but not strong enough to do everything alone. Sometimes, I need [...]