Categories: Humanity, Life, People


Rudolph Victor


Categories: Humanity, Life, People


Rudolph Victor


Today, I learned that I am stronger than I thought, but not strong enough to do everything alone. Sometimes, I need to ask for help, and that’s okay.

I learned what quasars are, those incredibly bright and distant objects powered by supermassive black holes. Now, I’m even more excited for my upcoming four-day hiking and astronomy adventure to the Grand Canyon!

I also learned that if I ride my mountain bike too fast and clip the corner handlebar, even slightly, it will throw me off – and pretty far, too! Thankfully, my body seemed to know what to do. I rolled and landed on my feet with just a few scrapes (thank you, Aikido!).

Kids, I learned, have amazing brains and come up with the most unexpected questions. “What does ‘talk out of your ass’ mean?” How do you even begin to explain that?

I learned that you can miss someone even when they’re in the next room, and that someone can stay with you all day, simply because they inspire you to be more. And that’s a gift, that inspiration. It’s something I need to pay attention to, just like imagination – a quality to hold onto tightly. Because those two things, combined with purpose, can change anything.

I learned to whisper to make a point, to listen instead of lecture, and that some things, no matter how much you long for them to, were never meant to heal.

Most importantly, I learned to appreciate my time being me, to pay attention to the little things that make a difference, the things that often go unnoticed.

And I can’t help but wonder, what will it take for us to wake up and see how interconnected we truly are? We’re damaging ourselves, our planet, and living in a society that disposes of plastic bottles with the same fleeting afterthought given to a missing child on the evening news. Every effort is made to make our day as simple and convenient as possible, but at what cost?

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