The Yin & Yang of how truly interconnected we are
Today, I learned that I am stronger than I thought, but not strong enough to do everything alone. Sometimes, I need to ask for help, and that's okay. I learned what quasars are, those incredibly bright and distant objects powered by supermassive black holes. Now, I'm even more excited [...]
Passion Doesn’t Have an Expiration Date!
The passing of loved ones over the past couple of months has driven home life's fragility. While the gym keeps me moving, [...]
The ABCs of Protecting Yourself Begins with Awareness
Unfortunately, the reality of our times necessitates that we prioritize personal safety for both ourselves and our loved ones. When walking, [...]
Are You Mindful, Mind-Full or Mindless?
Our minds are constantly shifting between focus and distraction. To achieve good mental health, we need to understand the differences between the [...]