Dream a Dream. Make a Plan. build a Strategy
We've all been there. In a meeting, a brainstorming session, or just casual conversation, the words "plan" and "strategy" get thrown around like they're interchangeable. But the truth is, they couldn't be more different! Let's dive deeper and clear up this common confusion. Think of it this way: a [...]
Discerning God’s Will from the Enemy’s Deception
"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate [...]
Mindfulness: A Gift to All You Touch
Mindfulness is a gift we can offer to ourselves, to our loved ones, and to the things we care about. It's the [...]
Trial by Fire Training: A Flawed Approach
When it comes to training, trial by fire rarely works. It's like throwing someone into the deep end to teach them to [...]